Universal Sign for Help

Simply raise your crossed arms above your head. Keep arms crossed similar as X marks the spot. Waving crossed arms is fine.

Aumente simplemente sus brazos cruzados sobre su cabeza. Guarde similar cruzada los brazos como X marca el punto. Agitar los brazos cruzados está muy bien.

Alzi semplicemente le vostre armi attraversate sopra la vostra testa. Tenga simile attraversato armi come la X segna il punto. L'ondeggiamento delle armi attraversate è benissimo.

Heben Sie einfach Ihre gekreuzten Arme über Ihrem Kopf an. Halten Sie Arme gekreuztes Ähnliches, wie X die Stelle markiert. Gekreuzte Arme wellenartig zu bewegen ist fein.

Soulevez simplement vos bras croisés au-dessus de votre tête. Gardez semblable croisé par bras comme X marque la tache. L'ondulation des bras croisés est très bien.

Background for this awareness campaign - a motorcycle accident in the desert. "Too many people that could have helped misunderstood waving as friendly or party like behavior. People did not understand the importance of the wave as a signal for distress. Please spread this simple concept of crossing arms in the air with hopes it becomes universally recognized"... CC.

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